Sunday 16 January 2011

Year 10 Homework - Dharavi

Several links with pictures, video and audio about Dharavi and life there:

The Places We Live explores four slums across the world, including Dharavi.

This is an audio slideshow from The Guardian.

Article and photo gallery from the National Geographic.

BBC Interactive tour of Dharavi.

Your homework is to explore these links (and any others you find - there are lots of clips on YouTube too), and to leave a comment explaining:
- whether you think Dharavi is a "slum of hope" or a "slum of despair"
- what you think of the redevelopment plans for Dharavi.

Your comment should explain your ideas with reasons - not just a sentence or two - and should include your first name (not full name... if there are two of you with the same name, put the inital of your surname too).

Some SDME links...

A handful of St. Lucia links here. If you find any more that might be useful, leave a comment or send me an email so that everyone can benefit.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

SDME preparation

By now, we're well underway with preparation for the SDME exam which is on Thursday 20th January. Remember that with a thorough understanding of the resource booklet, you should be able to get a C grade, but those of you aiming for grades above a C will need to be bringing in some of your own knowledge...

There's plenty of St Lucia information available on the internet for you to get your teeth into - if you find any particularly good links, leave a comment or send me an email so that everyone can benefit.

Mark Howell, a Geography teacher in Northampton, has put together an SDME revision podcast which is well worth a listen.