Saturday, 18 April 2009

BBC Bitesize

Advance warning that the Bitesize Geography programmes are coming up soon on BBC2...

Human Geography - 28th April, 0400 - 0600

Physical Geography - 29th April, 0400 - 0600

Global Issues - 30th April, 0400 - 0600

Set those videos/DVDs/Sky+, etc.!

More Mobile Phone Revision...

There's now a mobile phone revision quiz for Settlement in the 4shared folder, thanks to Tanith!! It would be great if a few more of you did some and sent them in...

Weather and climate
Natural hazards
Economic activity

woul all be useful...

There is a template in the folder, so all you have to do is download, change the questions, save, resize, zip and send!

Monday, 6 April 2009

Geography revision on your mobile phone!

I posted on Geogtastic yesterday about an experiment with mobile phone revision... Several Geography teacher friends and at least one student have tested it, on a range of phones and with a range of download methods, and it seems to have been pretty successful...

One Geography teacher friend, Liz Smith, has put together a Rivers one in a similar format...

You can now download both quizzes from the Mobile Phone Revision folder here. As I put together new ones, I will add them to that folder, so keep checking back. I will also put together a template and add that to the folder, so that you can make your own.

If you want to have a go at making your own and can't wait for a template, here's a quick summary of what you need to do:

- Open PowerPoint
- Set slide orientation to "portrait"
- Type your quiz (ours are both multiple choice, but yours don't have to be!)
- Make sure that any pictures you use are your own, or are Creative Commons (Flickr is a good source) and the source/photographer is acknowledged
- Don't type too close to the edges of the slide, and check that the font is big enough (if you zoom out to 25% and can still read it, it's probably ok)
- Once you're happy, save your presentation - it would be wise to save it as a ppt presentation so you have it for future use, but for your mobile quiz, you will need to Save As, and then alter the filetype to .jpeg. It will ask if you want to do this for every slide - you do.
- The slides will be saved as a series of .jpeg files on your computer.
- You will then need to resize the pictures - I used Microsoft Office Picture Manager but there are various ways you could do it. They will need to be 320 x 240.
- Then, download the photos to your phone, et voila!!

Oh, and don't forget to save the pictures in a zip file and email them to me so I can add them to the folder and everyone can benefit!

First Xtranormal Case Study!

Well done and thank you to Tanith who has set the bar high with this fab Xtranormal movie about the Boscastle Flood... Can you do even better?? Click here and get creating!

Saturday, 4 April 2009


My first attempt, and a bit rubbish... But dead easy to do... Make some case study ones, send me the URL, and we'll put them on the blog so everyone can benefit!